Where are all the machines affected by BlueKeep hiding - part 2
Last week, we took a look at Shodan results to try to determine which countries are the “richest” in the world when it comes to machines vulnerable to BlueKeep visible from the internet. Since the number of vulnerable machines Shodan detects grows every day (see the following chart), I thought it might be interesting to have another look at the numbers. But in a way which is a little different. It should be mentioned that the rise in the number of affected machines is most likely due to Shodan scanning previously unscanned IP ranges and not because there are actually more vulnerable machines out there. In fact it is quite probable that a not insignificant percentage of machines shown by Shodan as vulnerable have either been assigned different IP addresses since the detection (and could therefore have even been counted multiple times) of have been patched since the detection. If you’d like to see something closer to an actual “real-time” look at the number of machines which are still vulnerable to BlueKeep and accessible from the internet, Shadowserver will probably be a better place to look then Shodan.