Aspen Institute Launches Group to Address Pressing Global Cybersecurity Challenges
Amid a year that’s highlighted the need for cross-border, multilateral, and public-private work on technology and security issues, the Aspen Digital program announces the launch of the Global Cybersecurity Group. The forum held its first meeting last week in Prague, Czech Republic.
The group was announced this morning at the kick-off of the seventh annual Aspen Cyber Summit in New York City, where guests will hear from top officials from the NSA, CIA, FBI, Treasury Department, Pentagon, FTC, DHS, White House, and more.
Chaired by European Parliament Member Marina Kaljurand of Estonia; Singapore’s Cyber Security Agency CEO, David Koh; and US-based Rapid7 President & CEO Corey Thomas, the Global Group will address pressing international cybersecurity challenges.
The Global Group consists of a broad and varied collective of approximately 40 leaders pulled from allied and like-minded nations around the world who share a commitment to preserving peace and freedom online. Members include current and former government representatives, industry leaders and tech executives, and academics and civil society thinkers:
- Shadowserver’s Law Enforcement Liaison, Stew Garrick of the UK