Shadowserver Dashboard in Indonesian, Malay, Filipino, Thai & Arabic
Have you seen the Shadowserver Dashboard? Did you know it provides critical information on what people outside your network can see into your network? Did you know that the Dashboard and free reports can save your network …. all you need to do is track down the exposure and fix it (before the criminals use it to break into your network? Shadowserer provides one of the most critical tools to protect your network. Organizations that do not leverage this free “Cyber-Civil Defense” resource are missing out on critical security information about your network that is provided as a free public benefit. Shadowserver’s Dashboard is one of those free-public benefit tools. The Dashboard provides a map of vulnerabilities, risks, and unpatched systems with a global view. Shadowserver is expanding the language options of their Dashboard. Indonesian, Malay, Filipino, Thai, and Arabic will be offered. While the translations are done with professional translators, the Shadowserver team asks for help. The team seeks network/security professionals to help provide validation and context. If you are interested, please email New vulnerabilities, attacks, and other risks are announced every day. Shadowserver’s suite of services is combined to provide each organization with their Daily Network Reporting and the update to Shadowserver’s Dashboard. With the dashboard, you can explore active risk and attack vectors.