#TECH: Building safer cybersecurity environment for Asean
In today’s interconnected world, cybersecurity has become a critical concern for nations. Asean countries, for example, with their rapidly growing digital economies and expanding online presence, face increasing cyberthreats. To effectively address these challenges and build a robust cybersecurity environment, partnerships and collaborations are essential. According to the United Kingdom’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) cyberpolicy lead for the Indo-Pacific, Henry Carver, cybersecurity has become a global challenge. “The whole world has been more reliant on digitalisation since the Covid-19 pandemic. More and more technology and the way we live are moving online. Just as it’s true for every citizen, it’s also true for government services, and its critical infrastructure. As a result, we have a larger footprint, which means we have a greater surface area where cybercriminals and people with malicious intentions can come in and pursue their objectives,” he said. “We’ve been working with an organisation called Shadowserver, which has done a lot of Internet scanning for business and government on some of the cyber insights that they have.” The FCDO also shares a lot of good practice on how we protect our own system with our Malaysian counterparts, like our public services cybersecurity strategy, skills and education. “Although it may not be 100 per cent relevant here, it’s about sharing what works for us and for countries to take the good practices and make them their own, and we are really excited to continue our collaboration,” he added.