LEGACY: Open Proxy Report

This report detects open proxy servers, which are commonly used to make malicious activity seem anonymous.

A common use of drones is to turn them into proxy servers to add anonymity to other activity, such as more direct hacking, accessing forums, or even sending spam.


  • Timestamp
    Date of the IP being seen in UTC+0
  • IP
    IP address seen as a proxy
  • Port
    Port being used for the Proxy service
  • ASN
    ASN of the IP address
  • Geo
    Country where the IP resides
  • Region
    Geographical region where the IP resides (State/Province)
  • City
    City where the IP resides
  • DNS
    DNS name of the IP
  • Type
    Type of proxy
  • Password
    Password to access the proxy service
  • OS Name
    Operating system of the proxy system
  • OS Version
    Operating system version of the proxy system
  • VIA
    What proxy service is running


2012-04-13 00:01:44,,12715,852,CA,BRITISH COLUMBIA,BURNABY,,SOCKS,,,,
2012-04-13 00:01:46,,6515,11427,US,TEXAS,KILLEEN,,HTTP,,,,1.1 Dave-PC (McAfee Relay Server 5.2.1)
2012-04-13 00:02:10,,8080,8452,EG,AL QAHIRAH,CAIRO,,HTTP,,,,1.1 wirless:8080 (squid/2.5.STABLE11)
2012-04-13 00:02:17,,8118,21844,US,TEXAS,DALLAS,,HTTP,,,,
2012-04-13 00:02:31,,808,26496,US,-,-,,HTTP,,,,
2012-04-13 00:02:34,,1837,6128,US,CONNECTICUT,MILFORD,,SOCKS,,,,
2012-04-13 00:03:22,,8080,17974,ID,JAKARTA RAYA,JAKARTA,,HTTP,,,,1.1 (Mikrotik HttpProxy)
2012-04-13 00:03:51,,6515,7922,US,PENNSYLVANIA,HARRISBURG,,HTTP,,,,1.1 IQ-K12-Laptop (McAfee Relay Server 5.2.3)
2012-04-13 00:04:00,,3128,23671,ID,-,-,,HTTP,,,,1.1 janten-proxy:3128 (squid/2.5.STABLE11)
2012-04-13 00:04:12,,1285,6128,US,CONNECTICUT,STAMFORD,,HTTP,,,,
2012-04-13 00:04:51,,3128,28669,BR,-,-,,HTTP,,,,1.1 (Mikrotik HttpProxy)

Our 133 Report Types