News & Insights

Topic: Technology

Over 3.6 million exposed MySQL servers on IPv4 and IPv6

May 31, 2022
We have recently began scanning for  accessible MySQL server instances on port 3306/TCP.  These are instances that respond to our MySQL connection request with a Server Greeting. Surprisingly to us, we found around 2.3M IPv4 addresses responding with such a greeting to our queries. Even more surprisingly, we found over 1.3M IPv6 devices responding as well (though mostly associated with a single AS). IPv4 and IPv6 scans together uncover 3.6M accessible MySQL servers worldwide.

Over 380 000 open Kubernetes API servers

May 17, 2022
We have recently started scanning for accessible Kubernetes API instances that respond with a 200 OK HTTP response to our probes. Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. We find over 380 000 Kubernetes API daily that allow for some form of access, out of over 450 000 that we are able to identify. Data on these is shared daily in our Accessible Kubernetes API Server Report.

Over 18.8 million IPs vulnerable to Middlebox TCP reflection DDoS attacks

April 25, 2022
We recently began scanning for middlebox devices that are vulnerable to Middlebox TCP reflection, which can be abused for DDoS amplification attacks.  Our results are now shared daily, filtered for your network or constituency in the new Vulnerable DDoS Middlebox report. We uncover over 18,800,000 IPv4 addresses responding to our Middlebox probes. In some cases the amplification rates can exceed 10,000!

More Free Cyber Threat Intelligence For National CSIRTs

April 25, 2022
The UK FCDO have been supporting The Shadowserver Foundation's efforts to provide more free, actionable, daily Cyber Threat Intelligence to National CSIRTs in Africa and the Indo-Pacific. After making some great progress over the past year, we are seeking support from the community to engage some additional countries in the region. Can you help connect us, and the Internet more secure for everyone?

Shadowserver Special Reports – Vulnerable Log4j Servers (2021-12-22 update)

December 22, 2021
A maximum risk critical vulnerability in the popular Apache Log4j open source logging software was made public as CVE-2021-44228 on December 9th 2021, potentially providing attackers with easy remote code execution on thousands of systems globally. Although Shadowserver decided not to scan for this vulnerability, our honeypots continue to detect IPv4 /0 scanning and exploitation attempts. A second run of our Vulnerable Log4j Servers Special Report provides updated data from Alpha Strike Lab's scanning activity performed during the week since our first Special Report. The updated Special Report is being distributed to National CSIRTs and network owners as a public benefit service to aid in rapid remediation.

Log4j Scanning and CVE-2021-44228 Exploitation - Latest Observations (2021-12-16)

December 16, 2021
After our recent Special Report and blog post about vulnerable log4j servers, a quick and dirty update on the “log4shell” mass scanning and attempted CVE-2021-44228 exploitation activity we have been seeing across our global honeypot sensor network between Sunday December 11th and Thursday December 16th, including a quick analysis of the top ten Malware Callback URIs observed and server distribution.

Shadowserver Special Reports – Vulnerable Log4j Servers

December 15, 2021
A maximum risk critical vulnerability in the popular Apache Log4j open source logging software was made public as CVE-2021-44228 on December 9th 2021, potentially providing attackers with easy remote code execution on thousands of systems globally. Although Shadowserver decided not to scan for this vulnerability, our honeypots detected rapid growth in IPv4 /0 scanning. This Special Report provides data from Alpha Strike Labs's scanning activity and is being distributed to National CSIRTs and network owners as a public benefit service to aid in rapid remediation.

Continuing Our Africa and Indo-Pacific Regional Outreach

December 1, 2021
Shadowserver received funding from the UK FCDO in Q1 2021 for a short surge to improve the support we offered to Africa and the Indo-Pacific region. We achieved some good results, so we are providing some public highlights in this blog post. We are also pleased to announce that we have received some additional FCDO funding to continue these efforts through Q4 2021 and Q1 2022, and hope to further expand our free public benefit service coverage to more National CSIRT and additional network owner (ASNs) in these target regions.

Changes in Sinkhole and Honeypot Report Types and Formats

April 1, 2021
Over the years, Shadowserver’s report list has grown considerably from when we originally started. When some of these reports were originally set up, the requirements were different to those needed today. We have therefore decided to implement changes with some of the existing report types, especially those related to our sinkholes and honeypots, as well as remove some legacy reports. Changes will come into effect on 2021-06-01. On that day, the old reports will cease and only the new equivalents will be sent out. Until that time, starting 2021-04-05 both the old reports and new reports will function in parallel.

UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office funds Shadowserver surge in Africa and Indo-Pacific regions

March 18, 2021
Can you help Shadowserver sign up more countries/networks in Africa and the Info-Pacific to receive our free daily network reports and help secure the Internet? We are running a UK FCDO funded surge in Feb/March 2021, aimed at increasing outreach and expanding our honeypot sensor network in those regions. We are seeking introductions, contacts and hosting so please get in touch if you can help us achieve these goals.