News & Insights

Topic: Malware

VPNFilter - FBI Sinkholing

May 23, 2018
VPNFilter is a multi-stage modular malware platform designed to infect small office and home office (SOHO) routers and other network devices, believed to be connected to APT28. It was sinkholed under court order by the FBI, with infected device data being made available via Shadowserver's free daily network reports.

How do you lose 30 million malicious samples?

April 7, 2013
As individuals and as a group we have been collecting malware for many years. The Shadowserver Foundation repository dates back to 2005 and we collected our first million shortly after we actually started counting.

Beware the trolls, secure your trackers

August 14, 2012
You track botnets? Right, we do as well. You spent your weekends building your slick botnet trackers and some fancy web interface? Damn, we did too. But let's face the truth, DDoS is boring. What gives better sense to your day than some random crook trolling you and your monitoring infrastructure? Nothing. So here's what happened today...

Beware of what you download. Recent purported CEIEC document dump booby-trapped.

April 16, 2012
In recent weeks thousands documents have been released online by a hacktivist going by the online moniker of "Hardcore Charlie." These documents appear to have potentially been sourced and possibly stolen from various businesses and governments in different countries including the United States, the Philippines, Myanmar, Vietnam, and others.