We currently have a few types of delivery, depending upon your subscription for your area of responsibility. No matter which option is chosen, an email list will be created with your organization’s name and specific filters assigned to that organization. This is how we manage the multitude of consumers that we have. If for any reason, the recipient email addresses are unsubscribed either on purpose or through bounces, this will cause your reports to stop and eventually the filter information will be removed. It is important for maintaining the reports that an email address is maintained on the organization mailing list.
The first and primary option is that each day, an email will go out for each report type, if we’ve collected any data on it for your network. Within the email will be a URL leading to the download location of the appropriate file. We’ll maintain older downloads as long as possible, space permitting. Note that no reports greater than 833kB will be sent. Only the download URL will be included in the email message for these reports. This is to help save bandwidth and reduce resource consumption.
An example of the URL looks like this:
We strongly suggest that when importing data from our files, you take into account the header names and do not use column counting. Occasionally we will re-order or add columns, and this can make a mess of your datasets if you’re doing column counting.
You can also access the reports directly by visiting the download website. If you’re subscribed to more than one list, you’ll need to sync your mailing list accounts to do so. Once your email list accounts are synced, the downloads can be accessed here.
If more than three bad downloads are attempted within a five minute period, the IP attempting the downloads will be blocked. All blocks are removed at Midnight (UTC-7) every day.
The second method to utilize our Beta API system for download and accessing reports. More information can be found in the general API documentation as well as the Report API documentation pages. To gain access to the Report API please use our Contacts page and specifically request access to the Report API from the pull down for your existing reports.
By default, all available reports are enabled for all our consumers.